Image of Shepherds Rest Anatolians Shepherds Rest Anatolians and Oberhasli Goats

Photo Album

Eski Çoban Köpeği Fotoğrafları, Türkiye, 1932
Old Shepherd Dog Photos, Turkey, 1932

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Eski Çoban Köpeği Fotoğrafları, Türkiye, 1932 Eski Çoban Köpeği Fotoğrafları, Türkiye, 1932 Eski Çoban Köpeği Fotoğrafları, Türkiye, 1932 Eski Çoban Köpeği Fotoğrafları, Türkiye, 1932

Import Trip for Sibel Can
İstanbul to Balıkesir, Kaz Mtn, Bursa Karacabey, Bartın, Ankara,
and Konya region, TURKEY
July 2009

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Import Trip for Sibel Can Import Trip for Sibel Can Import Trip for Sibel Can Import Trip for Sibel Can

Import trip for Ormanüstü Duman
Ankara to Bartin to İstanbul
January 2009

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Import trip for Ormanüstü Duman Import trip for Ormanüstü Duman Import trip for Ormanüstü Duman Import trip for Ormanüstü Duman

Import trip for Dürbün & Cazip
Ankara to Zile to Bartin, TURKEY
(Central Anatolia)
April 2008

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Import trip for Dürbün & Cazip Import trip for Dürbün & Cazip Import trip for Dürbün & Cazip Import trip for Dürbün & Cazip

Import trip for Kara
Ankara and South
January 2008

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Import trip for Kara Import trip for Kara Import trip for Kara Import trip for Kara

Visiting ASD connections
East Coast, USA 2007

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Visiting ASD connections on the East Coast, USA Visiting ASD connections on the East Coast, USA Visiting ASD connections on the East Coast, USA Visiting ASD connections on the East Coast, USA

Visiting remote shepherds & shepherd dogs
Western third of Turkey
September 2007

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Visiting remote shepherds & shepherd dogs in Turkey Visiting remote shepherds & shepherd dogs in Turkey Visiting remote shepherds & shepherd dogs in Turkey Visiting remote shepherds & shepherd dogs in Turkey

Bringing South Africa, Turkey, and Oregon together
Shepherds Rest Farm & Wildlife Safari in Oregon
July 2007

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Bringing South Africa, Turkey, and Oregon together Bringing South Africa, Turkey, and Oregon together Bringing South Africa, Turkey, and Oregon together Bringing South Africa, Turkey, and Oregon together

Cheetah Outreach & delivery of Shepherds Rest Morocco
October 2006

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Cheetah Outreach Cheetah Outreach Cheetah Outreach Cheetah Outreach